ABOUT MILLENNIUM FOOD MARKETING- A Natural/Organic New Brand Specialist

Millennium Food Marketing provides sales management consulting services on a contract basis to the natural foods industry. Domestic and offshore manufacturers seeking professional representation to establish a retail presence in the Western U.S. will find MFM a value-added approach to developing their business. Using an "outsourced sales management" model, a very short list of select brands are combined under a single portfolio of natural and organic products with each client sharing in the sales management efforts according to their specific needs. With MFM, vendors are represented in all markets in the Western US:

Several financial advantages are enjoyed by each client in the MFM Portfolio. Consider the costs of employing a new brand manager for the West, including salary, travel expenses, benefits, insurance, 401K and Workman's Comp vs. paying an outsourced Independent Contractor a fraction of the salary – and that’s all! No benefits. No insurance. No 401K. No Workman's Comp.

When vendors consider the dramatic cost-savings by participating in shared representation with an experienced sales and marketing management service like MFM (32 years in the industry!), it's easily understood why "outsourcing" is more popular today than ever.


The fundamental approach for representing the MFM Portfolio to the retail industry is with an eye on quickly creating brand awareness and volume case-turns for the manufacturer. Understanding that “one size does not fit all”, this strategy encompasses various customized product placement opportunities that support these goals.
Retail opportunities include:

- Supermarket Chains (national/regional) and Independents
- Natural Food Chains (national/regional) and Independents
- Co-Ops with single or multiple locations across a range of states and cities.
- Convenience Stores, including campus outlets (higher education, corporate/tech, healthcare)
- Big Box outlets


- Recruit and manage an effective broker network experienced in all segments of the retail industry, as needed (brokers not required to start, can be added later).
- Develop distribution networks to supply retail outlets.
- Coordinate a customized sales growth program, including retail promotions, ads and demos based on the manufacturer’s Master Plan.
- Provide broker and distributor sales training programs.
- Represent the manufacturer at retail chain and distributor meetings with category buyers/managers along with broker reps (if applicable).
- Participate in distributor and industry trade shows on the manufacturer’s behalf, as able.
- Provide periodic reports on new product placement, category review schedules/submissions/results and other related information.
- Monitor distributor ordering (PO’s) and distributor center inventories (short-coded product, production forecasting), new item setup and placement, etc.
- Retail store visits (shelf photos/retail price checks/promo confirmation), as able.
- Maintain industry knowledge of current category trends, new and discontinued brands, competitor pricing and promotional activities, etc.